Tuesday, June 26, 2012

June Camera Phone Pictures and Ballet

Olivia started ballet this month, and is loving every minute of it. She looks forward to going, and talks about it non-stop. She also enjoys showing us all of her new dance moves. 

Bright light.

I love each and every roll.

Ready for ballet.

So much fun, and not wanting to leave.

Daddy and his girls.

Tummy time for everyone.

May Camera Phone Pictures

These days it seems that most of my pictures are taken with my phone. I wish the quality was better, but truthfully I don't do much better with my camera. It would probably help if I actually took the time to read a manual on something. One of these days I will put that on the "to do" list.

Doing what I do best.

Snuggles with mommy.

Helping mommy get dressed.

Tummy time is exhausting.

Who says mullets are no longer in style?

Big Sister helping out.

A little pool time.

Road trips are exhauting.

Hanging with Gigi

Rocket launching with Papaw

Morning cartoons

I will sleep anywhere. Even in the middle of the den floor at Gigi and Papaws house.

Deep in conversation with Daddy.

When it's 11:00 p.m. and your baby won't sleep, and she has been fussy for about 1 1/2 hours this is what you resort to...swaddled and sleeping in her carseat. Hey, whatever works.

Stop the presses...

As of Monday, June 18, 2012 we have a baby that sleeps through the night. She has been doing it for a week now so I feel safe to broadcast the news. The prior week or so we had decided to see how long she would go, and we were no longer waking her up to eat. Surprise, surprise she went almost 10 hours! Whoop whoop! We are two new people. It's amazing what a night of interrupted sleep can do for your well being. She typically eats between 6-7, goes down around 8, and has been sleeping until 5:00-6:00ish. Big accomplishment for a 10 week old baby. Way to go Caroline!

Caroline at Two Months Old

Caroline West Jernigan, 2 months have flown by so fast.
 You can see us better, interact with us, smile, and stick out your pouty lip just enough to make us do whatever you want. You still look a lot like your sister, but also favor your dad.

Post 3 shot tears :( Ready to get the heck out of the doctors office.

You are growing so fast. At your 2 month check up you weighed 13.9 lbs and were 23 1/2 inches long. This placed you in the 95% for height and weight. You're a growing girl. You wear mostly 3-6 month clothes, and a few 9 month onesies.You are in a size 2 diaper. 
You eat every 3-4 hours during the day, and can (although rarely) go every 5-6 hours at night. You are now a formula/bottle baby. After the two of us not being on the same page since oh about day one of your life, and me battling two infections we hung up the nursing thing. I was a wreck for about a week. You didn't seem to notice. You did have a little bit of difficulty with formula until we figured out that you have a milk sensitivity, and your reflux is worse than we originally expected. Now that you are on Soy formula with a little oatmeal and some Zantac you are a much happier baby. I still do a ridiculous amount of laundry.


You're sweet as can be - smiley when you're awake and pouty when things aren't going your way. You are starting to 'coo' and talk to us some, which is fun to watch. You are definitely happiest in the mornings.

You love to have your legs "bicycled'" and your feet and hands clapped together. We can always get a smile when we squeeze your cheeks or tap your lips. You like sitting in your bumbo, and you will tolerate your bouncy seat and your rain forest mat for a few minutes.

You are fascinated with the ceiling fans, your big sister, and the dog. You also have noticed the t.v. and enjoy anything bright and with music.

You are a descent sleeper. Once you wake up and eat you are only up for about an hour before you are ready to go back down for a nap. At night you usually eat around 8:00 and on a good night sleep until 2:30ish. You eat and then go back to sleep until 5:30/6:00. You are still sleeping in your bassinet or your pac-n-play but we moved you out of our room to the office so we could all get a little more sleep.
You are strong and do very well on your tummy, and hold your head up when we have you on our shoulder. You also like to practice your crunches by laying down, holding onto our fingers, and then we pull you to a sitting position. You definitely like to be up and about so you can see what's going on.
Caroline, you bring us so much joy and I look forward to kissing your sweet chunky cheeks every morning.

Sprinkler Fun

It's June already and the temps are hot and the days are humid. What better way to beat the heat then to play in the sprinkler. Oh and Daddy's grass gets watered too. It's a two for one, and we love a twofer!

First Bath

A few days after Caroline turned one month old her umbilical cord finally fell off and she was able to take a big girl bath. She wasn't really sure about it at first, but eventually warmed up to the idea and enjoyed splashing around. However, since our trip to Alabama she now hates getting a bath, and screams that high pitched ear piercing scream the WHOLE time. Needless to say no one is relaxed, and it's quite possibly the fastest bath in history. Olivia is waiting for her to start enjoying them so they can play together in the bathtub. She doesn't understand why Caroline gets so upset. She isn't the only one.

May 2012

May seems so long ago, and it was just last month. Robert had to go out of town on business so the girls and I headed north to Leeds for a visit with the grandparents. Olivia is always excited for a trip to see Gigi and Papaw. She knows there will be lots of playing, shopping, and special treats.

Before we left I decided to put the girls seats next to each other. That way Olivia could help out with Caroline if I was unable to stop. There is NO way I could have made the seven hour trip without her. She was such a big helper! If Caroline was fussy she would give her her paci, and if she became hungry before I could pull over she would start giving her a bottle. We only had to make two stops on the way up.

Olivia's one request while during our visit was to make a trip to the zoo. Wish granted. Actually she could have cared less about the animals. She was more interested in the splash pad.

Our trip also included a trip to Morgan Creek Winery and a Bar-B-Que.  Uncle Kyle, Aunt Laura, and Ashley met us at the winery, and we were able to meet Miss Ashley for the first time. She is all smiles and giggles. Such a sweet little girl. I look forward to our girls growing up together, and getting into all kinds of mischief. Olivia enjoyed seeing her other cousins during a little get together. She was completely entertained and mesmerized by her older cousins.

It was a great trip. Too short as always.