Friday, July 27, 2012

From the mouth of a four year old.

Sweet Olivia, you make me smile. You make me laugh. You've even made me snort because I was laughing so hard. You are filled with energy, curiosity, love, and empathy. You talk from the minute you wake up until the minute you fall asleep. You ask questions 24/7, and have said, "Mommy, I know I ask a lot of questions but I just want to know stuff." You never meet a stranger, and often entertain check out clerks and other customers waiting in line. You make others smile, and this makes me proud. You heart is big, and it is full of love and giving for all. You are sensitive, and slightly dramatic. You are creative and artsy. Your imagination is amazing. I can carry on a conversation with you like I could with an adult, and constantly have to remind myself that you are only four years old. Our lives are forever changed because of you, and for this we are grateful. We are blessed.

Your vocabulary is insane. That being said you have certain words or ways of saying some words that are too cute even if slightly wrong.

Olivia Words:
Sunscream (sunscreen)
Thumb toe (big toe)
Dust can (dustpan)
Sour crap (sour kraut)
Beef turkey (beef jerky)
Yogurt pants (yoga pants)

Currently, you are obsessed with the song "As She's Walking Away, " by the Zac Brown Band. You refer to the song as, "The falling in love song." I play this song at least once a day, and you sing your little heart out!

You have also been known to say "seriously" when something doesn't go your way, and tell Caroline she is "killing you" when she is fussy and won't go to sleep. I have no idea where you have heard these expressions (must be from daddy).

You are our sweet angel. We love you to the moon and back!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Caroline at Three Months

What a difference a month makes! You are an "angel baby." I fear that every time I say that or comment on how sweet you are that I am jinxing us, and you will flip the switch and become a devil baby. So far so good, and we still have our sweet girl.

About a week after we moved you out of our room and into the office daddy needed to work from home. You were restless while trying to sleep. We think his typing was interrupting your beauty sleep so we moved you upstairs to your room. You've been sleeping in your room ever since. At first you slept in your bassinet, but now you are in your crib for naps and at night. You still love to be swaddled and sleep best when you are wrapped up nice and tight. Although, as soon as we swaddle you for the night you break out the pouty lip and fuss/cry for about ten minutes.You will take a paci, but you don't need it. There are many times that you go down without it, or you have spit it out by the time I leave the room. The sound machine is a must.

You have started to coo a lot and "talk" up a storm. You love to kick your legs as fast as they can go, and move your arms. You have the best one sided, crooked, half smile with a dimple in your right cheek and in your chin. I also only have one dimple, but it's on my left side. The one sided smile has earned you the nickname "Elvis."

You recognize your daddy, sister, and me by voice and face and show us by giving us big smiles. You love for me or Olivia to sing to you. You seem to like Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Patty Cake, and This Little Piggy the best.

You are great on your tummy, and do such a good job holding your head up and looking around. You will hold a toy if we place it in your hand, and will "bat" at the toys hanging from your rain forest mat. You are starting to bear weight when we stand you on our lap, but you only last for a few seconds.

The drooling has started along with you making spit bubbles. Bibs are our friends and we go through several throughout the day along with multiple burp clothes and changes of clothes.

You love my hair, and by love I mean you grab big handfuls whenever I wear it down-which is seldom these days. You also love to grab my necklace. You never pull, but you also don't want to let go. You also like to grab daddy's chest hair which he thinks is a ton of fun.

Your nicknames are many (you do have Simpson blood in you) and we call you anything and everything, but rarely is it just Caroline. A few nicknames are LB(little bit), Grunty (because you are so noisy), and Elvis (the half smile). We are trying to get out of the habit so none of these stick, but Olivia has a tendency to use Grunty a lot.

You are wearing 3-6 month onesies and mostly 6 and 9 month outfits. I have already cleaned out newborn clothes and some three month onesies and outfits. You are so long that they won't snap between your legs. You are still in a size 2 diaper, but when we finish these we will go ahead and move you to size 3s. You are still on Soy formula with added oatmeal cereal and Zantac for reflux. You usually eat four times a day with one big bottle when you first wake up (8oz) and then 6oz. bottles the rest of the day. If I had to guess I would say you weigh around 15lbs.

Caroline, you truly are a sweet baby. We are so blessed to have you in our family!