Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The language of Owie

A glimpse into a few conversations over the past week.

O: What that smell like?
JJ: I don't know baby.
O: I think it's a truck. It stinky.

O: See that cart over there.
JJ: I do. That's like the cart you road at GiGi and Papaw's house.
O: I want one.
JJ: We'll call Papaw later and tell him to get you one.
O: No, let's call him right now before the polar bear gets here. I want a dora cart from Papaw.

O: I want to go to the green store (Publix).
JJ: We don't need anything at the green store.
O: I need a cookie in my hand, and we need groceries.
JJ: We have groceries.
O: No we don't we need to go shopping at the green store. I want a green driving cart at the green store.

Between Robert and Olivia on the way to school Tuesday when it was raining.
O: How that truck smell like? It raining. How?
RJ: Because sometimes water falls from the sky.
O: How?
RJ: Because God and Baby Jesus are sad.
O: How they sad?
O: How it dark outside? How it smell like somebody got a fire at their house? Probably dat truck.
Daddy, You going too fast.!

Olivia has her own language. Ninety-five percent of the time you can understand what she is saying, but for the other five percent the following list might be useful.

Tumote=Remote control
Bacon Suit=Bathing Suit
Sprinkles=Stubble on Robert's face
Mommy/Daddy carry you=Pick me up
This is too heavy for me=I want you to hold _
Mommy/Daddy help me=I need your help.
Cough cough=washcloth

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