Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Birthday Letter

I cannot believe you are three years old. So much has happened, and I cannot begin to explain to you what a blessing you have been in our lives.

I remember vividly the day we discovered that you were going to join our family. It was August 22, 2007. I was feeling very unsettled and tired, and a little voice in my head told me to take a pregnancy test. It did not take long for those two blue lines to appear. I immediately dropped the test in the sink and began to cry with excitement and joy.

The next few weeks were filled with happiness and fear. Daddy and I were excited, but nervous about loosing you. I will never forget the first time I heard your heartbeat at 7 weeks. You were so tiny, but your heartbeat was strong and steady. Daddy thought you resembled a peanut, and he still calls you Peanut to this day. The doctor said we might share a birthday (my 30th).

We found out in November that you were going to be a little girl. I had a feeling all along that you were a girl, and so did Papaw. Everyone else thought you were going to be a boy. Daddy never said one way or the other. He just wanted you to be healthy.

Being pregnant was the most amazing experience I have ever been apart of. The nausea stopped right at 3 months, and I started feeling flutters around 17-18weeks. The big kicks and acrobats soon followed.

You decided to give us a little scare and a glimpse into how our life was about to change. It was April 4, 2008. I was home from work because I was scheduled to work the weekend. I was having some cramping in my belly but didn't think much about it. As the morning went on the cramping became more intense and I started to notice. I began to time these "episodes" and they were happening every 3-5 minutes. After a call to the doctors office and to Daddy at work we were on our way to triage for monitoring. I was convinced we were going to have a baby. After a long time, IV fluids, and a few shots to stop the labor we were discharged home the next day. We were sad to be leaving without a baby, but we also wanted to ensure that you would be healthy.

Since you were frank breech we were scheduled for a C-Section on April 17, 2008. We had to be at the hospital by 5:30 with an anticipated delivery between 7 and 8. I don't know that anyone slept the night before. We were nervous and excited.

I will never forget the moment at 7:31 a.m when I heard you cry and they lifted you over the curtain for me to see for the first time. I remember the doctor saying, "Oh my Jamie she is so big, " and Daddy saying, 'Oh my goodness" over and over.

After the nurses cleaned you and wrapped you up tight for me to see. I couldn't help but think that you looked just like me as a baby. We were all surprised to find out how big you were-9 pounds 5 ounces and 22 inches long. My jaw dropped. The doctors thought you would be around 8 pounds 5 ounces.

The first time I held you was amazing. We were skin to skin, and you were so soft and warm. You immediately snuggled right under my chin, and we would soon learn that this would be a favorite spot for you to sleep.

Since you were frank breech your little legs would fly up to your ears anytime you were unswaddled. We would joke and call them your froggy legs. They did a hip ultra-sound on your second day of life just to make sure there weren't any issues. And of course you were perfect!

After sleepless nights and long days in the hospital we were able to take you home. We were excited to finally leave the hospital, but nervous and anxious with what was ahead.

Three years have gone by way too fast, and I am told that they only go by faster. When we look at you now we see a little lady full of love, kindness, empathy, mystery, drama, questions, and energy. We hope that you continue to question, search, and ponder life. We are thankful to be along for the journey, and love you with our all our heart.

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