Thursday, May 31, 2012

Olivia Turns 4

How has it been four years? When did my chunky little peanut turn into such a beautiful little girl. It saddens me that you are no longer a baby or even a toddler. When I shop for clothes for you I find myself going to the toddler section only to realize I am in the wrong department. You transitioned into the big girl section this spring, and I am having a hard time coping. Dealing not only with you getting older, but also trying to find clothing that reflects the precious girl you have become. I swear some of the stuff in the girls sections is inappropriate for me. That's a whole other tangent.

We celebrated your birthday with not one but two parties this year. On your actual birthday we did a small family party at home, and then a few weeks later did a bigger party for you and your friends. A few pictures from your family party.

Chocolate cupcake?

Your big party was at the "jumpy place." You had a blast jumping in all of the bounce houses, eating pizza, and eating birthday cake.

Olivia you are turning into a beautiful young girl inside and out. Your dad and I are lucky that you have chosen us as your parents. We are amazed by you and learn from you daily. We love you big girl.

One Month Old

Caroline you are now one month old. Has it really already been a month? It's going by too fast. Way too fast. You are now in size 1 diapers, but your umbilical cord is still hanging on. Olivia cannot wait for it to fall off so you can join her in the big bathtub. You are wearing mostly 3 month clothing, some 0-3 still fit, and you can wear a few 6 month outfits. I would say you probably way around 11lbs. Your arms and legs are starting to "chunk" up, and you have grown a second chin. I caught a purposeful smile, but your daddy didn't believe me until he witnessed it for himself. You love to be talked to and will smile and kick your legs, and move your arms. You will also follow us or an object with your eyes. You do not like any of the contraptions we have for you, and are perfectly content in someones lap. We have started having "unhappy hour/hours" in our house every evening. As long as you are held you are fine, but when trying to take care of your sister and cook dinner sometimes that just isn't possible. It takes you a while to settle down and when you are over tired and fighting sleep this is a huge challenge. For the most part we can calm/settle you, but sometimes we have tried everything and you are still cranky. At times I am able to put you in your bumbo and earn a quick 5-10 minutes to get something accomplished.  Thankfully your happy moments outweigh the cranky ones.

Maybe the evening crankiness and slightly "spoiled" vibe you are putting off is my fault. My one regret with Olivia is that I felt like I didn't take time to enjoy her while I was on maternity leave. I felt like the house should be spotless, the laundry should be washed, and dinner should be on the table every night. Maybe I learned from my previous mistake or maybe because you are the last child, but I am soaking up every minute of you. There are times that you do fall asleep in my arms and I can't bear to put you down. I might pay for that later. But as of now I'm going to enjoy our time together. I am in awe of you, and I could stare at you for hours. I cannot think of you or your sister and how thankful I am for each of you without tears welling up in my eyes. I am truly blessed with my little family.

Three Weeks Old

Caroline you turned three weeks old on April 26, 2012 (my 34th birthday). You weigh 10.5lbs and continue to eat like a champ every 2-3 hours. You still struggle with hiccups and reflux. We cannot lay you down flat after eating, and you still manage to spit-up an hour or two after you've eaten. You sleep in your bouncy seat or the rock n play sleeper. You sleep best when swaddled, but you seem to always manage to get at least one arm free. If not swaddled you sleep with both hands up near your head and your hands in a fist. It amazes us that you can sleep with the vacuum running, the t.v. on, or Olivia running around the house singing at the top of her lungs. You are wearing 0-3 and some 3 month clothing and we are finishing up the last of the newborn diapers. Your umbilical cord is still holding on so we still have to give you a sponge bath. You can be screaming your head off during your bath, but as soon as I wrap you up and start washing your hair you are as quite and as alert as you can be. Your bath usually wears you out, and we are guaranteed a good nap. For three weeks old you fight sleep more than your big sister. The only way to calm you is to swaddle you, give you your paci, and rock you while laying on your side. You try your best to fight us, and will try to spit the paci out many times. You continue to be a "noisy" baby and we have considered moving you out of our room so we can get some sleep. Your big sister is fascinated with you and loves to help out by feeding you, helping change your diaper, or giving you your paci when you are fussy.

You are so loved by many! 

Two Weeks Old

Caroline you were two weeks old on April 19, 2012. At your two week doctors appointment you weighed 9.7lbs and were 21 inches long. You love to eat, sleep, and have your hair washed. You do not like to have your clothes changed, your umbilical cord cleaned, or your bath. You still wear newborn diapers, but it won't be long before you move into a size 1. You continue to eat every 2-3 hours and take roughly 3 ounces when bottle fed. You recognize our voices and you are starting to turn your head when you hear one of us speak. You are awake, quite, and alert for longer periods of time and just stare and look around taking everything in. You helped your big sister celebrate her fourth birthday this week (more on that later). You have already changed so much, but look like and remind us Olivia.

The First Week

Caroline turned one week old on April 12, 2012. She is as sweet and as precious as she can be. It amazes me that I can instantly love someone that I just met. An unconditional love that is like no other. A love that is indefinite.

I cannot believe you are already a week old. The days and nights are running together. Most likely from a lack of sleep. You are very laid back and relatively easy. The only time you really cry is when you are hungry and we aren't getting it to you fast enough. You sleep a lot, and because of the jaundice we are having to wake you up every three hours to eat. This goes against everything I believe-you NEVER wake a sleeping baby. After you eat you are in a "milk coma" and make the funny noises and faces. You are very "vocal" and make all sorts of grunting noises when sleeping, eating, or when you are awake. You usually have the hiccups after eating and seem to have a little reflux. You will take a paci, however you do not love it as much as your big sister did.

 Your first appointment with the pediatrician was on Monday, the day after we were discharged from the hospital. Your weight was up to 8.5 (7.9 on discharge) and the jaundice was better. We went back to doctor two days later for a clogged tear duct. Ironically it is your right eye (Olivia's right tear duct did not work), and we were given drops to use when it looks inflamed and irritated. Hopefully you will grow out of it and will not have to have surgery.

A few pictures from your first week home. 

We are so blessed to have you join our family. We are thankful for such a beautiful, healthy, and perfect little girl.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Caroline West Arrives!

Much to our surprise we learned at my 36 week appointment that Caroline was no longer frank breech like her sister, but was head down. We still had to do a repeat C-Section because Olivia was a C-Section and my OB practice has the policy that once you have a c-section you will always have a c-section. We were scheduled to meet baby Caroline on April 5th at 12:30.

My parents came into town the day before to help out with Olivia while Robert and I would be in the hospital. I surprisingly slept the night before, got up and packed for the hospital, and we were on our way. We had to be there at 10:00, and decided to drop Olivia off at school on our way there. She was upset and clinging to my leg not wanting us to go, but quickly calmed when she realized that she would meet her new sister after her afternoon nap.

Our last picture together as parents of one.

Once we got called back to our labor and delivery room things moved quickly. Tina, my nurse, prepped me for surgery and then we signed our life away. Promptly at 12:15 they came to get me for the operating room. Robert remained in the room to dress in his fancy paper outfit while they got me ready for surgery. My emotions were all over the place. By the time I got to the operating room I was shaking and shivering; partly because it was cold in there and mostly because I was nervous. Even though this was my second cesarean, I still found myself worried about anything and everything that could go wrong. I also work in the hospital and see and know too much not to be nervous. After receiving my spinal (which is a strange and unsettling feeling) they began to deliver Caroline. After the initial incision they brought Robert in, and he sat by my head, held my hand, and reassured me that everything was going to be fine.

And sure enough, the pushing and the pressure started and I could tell they were trying to get her out (I could feel them pushing on my stomach and tugging but there was no pain - craziest thing.) They pulled out her head first and suctioned her mouth before delivering the rest of her, and then within seconds they delivered our baby girl and she was screaming her sweet little head off. She was wide eyed and alert and looking around. The nurses held her up over the blue curtain so I could see her, and then they took her over to the warmer to clean her, weigh her, and get her ready to go back to the room with us. The doctors assured me she was a big chunky baby, and Robert and I thought she looked just like Olivia. We all started guessing her weight to be 9+ pounds, and were surprised when the nurse told us she was 8.9 lbs. Such a tiny little thing :)
Caroline was born at 12:57 p.m. weighing 8lb 9oz and was 21 inches long. Hearing her cry for the first time brought massive tears to my eyes. I had to reassure the nurse anesthetist they were tears of happiness and joy.
While they finished my surgery Robert and Caroline headed to the recovery room. I was able to join them about 30 minutes later. After receiving her first bath I was able to hold and nurse my precious baby girl. Having her in my arms for the first time is an experience and an emotion I cannot describe nor will I ever forget.
Loving on Daddy in the recovery room.
Once I was able to move my toes they moved me up to my room. Mom and Dad were able to come up, and they were the first ones to meet Caroline. It was amazing to see the instant love between the three of them.
Meeting Gigi and Papaw for the first time.

There will be lots of secrets and icecream shared between these two.

I had a few issues with nausea and itching ( a side effect of the medicine). After I don't know how much pain medication, anti-nausea medication, and anti-itching medication I was sufficiently doped up. The rest of that first day was pretty much a blur. I have bits and pieces of memories, but most of it is pretty foggy.
Mommy is a little loopy.
Mom and Dad picked Olivia up from school, and brought her to the hospital to meet Caroline. She walked in proudly wearing her "Big Sister" shirt, and the excitement on her face was priceless. She immediately crawled up in bed with me, held her sister for the first time, and sang "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star." She was mesmerized and I was in awe of my two beautiful and perfect daughters, and now my family of four.

Giving Caroline her first balloon.

I loved this bow hat.

First family of four picture.
My recovery was slower and more painful this time around. Maybe because I am four years older. Maybe because they did an extra procedure which the doctor said would make me a little sore. There were issues with controlling my pain. On Saturday I had a nurse finally "hear" me and paged the doctor to see what else could be done. My pain medication was changed and given on a schedule versus me having to request it. The pain was still there, but better managed and bearable. Due to the pain issues and Caroline having a little jaundice we were encouraged to stay through Sunday, which we chose to do. We were eager to get home, but also did not want to jeopardize mine or Caroline's health. She actually tested positive for the Coombs anti-body in her blood which made her more susceptible to being jaundiced. Luckily we were able to supplement with a little formula and she avoided the lights.

We were discharged on Sunday, April 8, 2012 (Easter). We arrived home to find a very eager three year old awaiting her parents, and more importantly her basket that the Easter bunny had left for her at the hospital. The Easter bunny managed to leave Caroline a little basket too.
Ready to go home!

A few snuggles with Papaw.

Our little Easter baby.

Monday, May 14, 2012

March 2012

Preparation and pampering for Caroline kicked into full gear this month. We were showered with love and gifts at three different showers. The first shower was thrown by my co-workers. Caroline received several adorable outfits and a generous gift card to Target. There are three of us pregnant, and I am the only one having a girl. Oddly, we are all having second children that are the same sex as our first.

Caroline was then celebrated by our Tallahassee friends. We are lucky to have such amazing friends, and they threw a beautiful shower for us.

Our third shower was given by Robert's co-workers. I currently do not have the pictures from that shower. It was nice to finally meet everyone and put names and faces together. They were so nice to include Olivia in the celebration, and she enjoyed her "big sister" gifts. 

We finished off the month with Olivia experiencing her first pedicure on a mommy/daughter day out, and celebrating a friends birthday. Something tells me I should start a pedicure fund for Olivia. At three years old she enjoyed it a little too much.

February 2012

February was non-discript. Not much going on. Olivia finished up soccer, and was a little too excited to be done. Robert went out of town for a mini "man weekend" before the arrival of Caroline, and I ended up with a mini-van in order to comfortably be a mom of two. I know-I own and drive a mini van. At 33 I am driving a mom mobile. Not exactly my dream car, but honestly I can't imagine lifting two kiddos into a full size SUV. Besides, my wallet did not want to afford the gas, and my small SUV was just that too small for all four of us to travel comfortably. An entire month went by before Robert even road in the thing, and a total of almost two months before he drove it. He will never admit to driving it, but I have proof and witnesses.

Happy Valentines Day

January 2012

I new year already? Hard to believe it's 2012. Olivia started soccer this month, and although she didn't hate it she didn't love it either. We think she is going to be our ballet/dance star instead of a soccer star. Robert can hold out for the second one to be the soccer star. When soccer was over we gave her the option to sign up again, and she politely declined and informed us she wanted to try dance. Looks like we will be venturing into leotards, tutus, and ballet shoes sooner rather than later.
First day of soccer.

Christmas 2011

Christmas came and went in a flash this year. I can remember my parents saying when I was younger that the older you get the faster time flies. Now I understand what they were talking about. This was my year to work Christmas at the hospital. Although it is usually never that busy on Christmas day the days leading up to and following are crazy because everyone is trying to get things done before the holidays hit. Between Christmas and New Years I ended up working 13 or 14 days straight and this pregnant momma was beat. Throw in the actual holiday with cooking, baking, present wrapping, elf shenanigans, and daily household business and I was ready to collapse. Luckily, my awesome husband came through with Christmas dinner including a standing rib roast which was excellent. We were lucky to have Nana and Aunt Danae over for Christmas dinner as well as our adopted Tallahassee Family, The Ochs. I love a house filled with laughter, memories, story telling, and utter chaos. In my head I have this idea of how I want things to go, pictures I want to capture, memories I want to make, crafts I want to do with Olivia, and then reality sets in and my ideas fall to the wayside. We did manage a family picture this year which is one step ahead of last year. All in all Christmas was wonderful, and we wouldn't have spent it any other way.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

December 2011

We started this month off with a little sickness to go around. After Thanksgiving Olivia ended up with pneumonia. Luckily we caught it in time and she didn't need to be hospitalized. After 10 days of antibiotics and lots of rest she was good to go. Robert and I ended up with respiratory infections/colds, but we managed to bounce back after a couple of days. Due to sickness our family Christmas picture turned into pictures of just Olivia although I ended up in a few just for fun. I was 20 weeks pregnant with Caroline.


November 2011

So, I have a little catching up to do. Nothing like a little maternity leave to check things off of your to do list. Obviously my memory is a little shady, but I will do my best. We traveled to Birmingham twice during the month of November. The first trip was for Aunt Laura and baby Ashley's baby shower. The trip was short and quick, but we managed to fit in a little fun. On Saturday my parents took Olivia and I to Disney on Ice. She had a blast and was mesmerized for two hours. She ate enough junk food for everyone, but that's what special treats with grandparents are for.
Sunday I traveled to Tuscaloosa for the shower. I did a quick tour of the town to view the damage from the tornado. The town that I love so much and lived in for the greater part of seven years will forever be changed. It was devastating to see the town ripped to pieces, but amazing to see the rebuilding that had already begun. Laura's baby shower was beautiful and so much fun. I had a ton of fun helping out, and meeting her extended family and friends.

The two pregnant Jernigan women.
Our second trip was for Thanksgiving. Olivia had a blast playing with her cousins, and we enjoyed catching up with family.