Much to our surprise we learned at my 36 week appointment that Caroline was no longer frank breech like her sister, but was head down. We still had to do a repeat C-Section because Olivia was a C-Section and my OB practice has the policy that once you have a c-section you will always have a c-section. We were scheduled to meet baby Caroline on April 5th at 12:30.
My parents came into town the day before to help out with Olivia while Robert and I would be in the hospital. I surprisingly slept the night before, got up and packed for the hospital, and we were on our way. We had to be there at 10:00, and decided to drop Olivia off at school on our way there. She was upset and clinging to my leg not wanting us to go, but quickly calmed when she realized that she would meet her new sister after her afternoon nap.
Our last picture together as parents of one. |
Once we got called back to our labor and delivery room things moved quickly. Tina, my nurse, prepped me for surgery and then we signed our life away. Promptly at 12:15 they came to get me for the operating room. Robert remained in the room to dress in his fancy paper outfit while they got me ready for surgery. My emotions were all over the place. By the time I got to the operating room I was shaking and shivering; partly because it was cold in there and mostly because I was nervous. Even though this was my second cesarean, I still found myself worried about anything and everything that could go wrong. I also work in the hospital and see and know too much not to be nervous. After receiving my spinal (which is a strange and unsettling feeling) they began to deliver Caroline. After the initial incision they brought Robert in, and he sat by my head, held my hand, and reassured me that everything was going to be fine.
And sure enough, the pushing and the pressure started and I could tell they were trying to get her out (I could feel them pushing on my stomach and tugging but there was no pain - craziest thing.) They pulled out her head first and suctioned her mouth before delivering the rest of her, and then within seconds they delivered our baby girl and she was screaming her sweet little head off. She was wide eyed and alert and looking around. The nurses held her up over the blue curtain so I could see her, and then they took her over to the warmer to clean her, weigh her, and get her ready to go back to the room with us. The doctors assured me she was a big chunky baby, and Robert and I thought she looked just like Olivia. We all started guessing her weight to be 9+ pounds, and were surprised when the nurse told us she was 8.9 lbs. Such a tiny little thing :)
Caroline was born at 12:57 p.m. weighing 8lb 9oz and was 21 inches long. Hearing her cry for the first time brought massive tears to my eyes. I had to reassure the nurse anesthetist they were tears of happiness and joy.
While they finished my surgery Robert and Caroline headed to the recovery room. I was able to join them about 30 minutes later. After receiving her first bath I was able to hold and nurse my precious baby girl. Having her in my arms for the first time is an experience and an emotion I cannot describe nor will I ever forget.
Loving on Daddy in the recovery room. |
Once I was able to move my toes they moved me up to my room. Mom and Dad were able to come up, and they were the first ones to meet Caroline. It was amazing to see the instant love between the three of them.
Meeting Gigi and Papaw for the first time. |
There will be lots of secrets and icecream shared between these two. |
I had a few issues with nausea and itching ( a side effect of the medicine). After I don't know how much pain medication, anti-nausea medication, and anti-itching medication I was sufficiently doped up. The rest of that first day was pretty much a blur. I have bits and pieces of memories, but most of it is pretty foggy.
Mommy is a little loopy. |
Mom and Dad picked Olivia up from school, and brought her to the hospital to meet Caroline. She walked in proudly wearing her "Big Sister" shirt, and the excitement on her face was priceless. She immediately crawled up in bed with me, held her sister for the first time, and sang "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star." She was mesmerized and I was in awe of my two beautiful and perfect daughters, and now my family of four.
Giving Caroline her first balloon. |
I loved this bow hat. |
First family of four picture. |
My recovery was slower and more painful this time around. Maybe because I am four years older. Maybe because they did an extra procedure which the doctor said would make me a little sore. There were issues with controlling my pain. On Saturday I had a nurse finally "hear" me and paged the doctor to see what else could be done. My pain medication was changed and given on a schedule versus me having to request it. The pain was still there, but better managed and bearable. Due to the pain issues and Caroline having a little jaundice we were encouraged to stay through Sunday, which we chose to do. We were eager to get home, but also did not want to jeopardize mine or Caroline's health. She actually tested positive for the Coombs anti-body in her blood which made her more susceptible to being jaundiced. Luckily we were able to supplement with a little formula and she avoided the lights.
We were discharged on Sunday, April 8, 2012 (Easter). We arrived home to find a very eager three year old awaiting her parents, and more importantly her basket that the Easter bunny had left for her at the hospital. The Easter bunny managed to leave Caroline a little basket too.
Ready to go home! |
A few snuggles with Papaw. |
Our little Easter baby. |