Caroline you are now one month old. Has it really already been a month? It's going by too fast. Way too fast. You are now in size 1 diapers, but your umbilical cord is still hanging on. Olivia cannot wait for it to fall off so you can join her in the big bathtub. You are wearing mostly 3 month clothing, some 0-3 still fit, and you can wear a few 6 month outfits. I would say you probably way around 11lbs. Your arms and legs are starting to "chunk" up, and you have grown a second chin. I caught a purposeful smile, but your daddy didn't believe me until he witnessed it for himself. You love to be talked to and will smile and kick your legs, and move your arms. You will also follow us or an object with your eyes. You do not like any of the contraptions we have for you, and are perfectly content in someones lap. We have started having "unhappy hour/hours" in our house every evening. As long as you are held you are fine, but when trying to take care of your sister and cook dinner sometimes that just isn't possible. It takes you a while to settle down and when you are over tired and fighting sleep this is a huge challenge. For the most part we can calm/settle you, but sometimes we have tried everything and you are still cranky. At times I am able to put you in your bumbo and earn a quick 5-10 minutes to get something accomplished. Thankfully your happy moments outweigh the cranky ones.

Maybe the evening crankiness and slightly "spoiled" vibe you are putting off is my fault. My one regret with Olivia is that I felt like I didn't take time to enjoy her while I was on maternity leave. I felt like the house should be spotless, the laundry should be washed, and dinner should be on the table every night. Maybe I learned from my previous mistake or maybe because you are the last child, but I am soaking up every minute of you. There are times that you do fall asleep in my arms and I can't bear to put you down. I might pay for that later. But as of now I'm going to enjoy our time together. I am in awe of you, and I could stare at you for hours. I cannot think of you or your sister and how thankful I am for each of you without tears welling up in my eyes. I am truly blessed with my little family.
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