Happy half birthday sweet girl. You had your sixth month check up on your actual half birthday. You were all smile and giggles in the waiting room. Not so much once we were in the exam room. You were fine as long as I was holding you, but cried when weighed and examined. You even pouted a little when I was holding you and the doctor got near you (less than 2 feet away). Since you NEVER cry I am completely thrown off of my game on the rare occasion you fuss or manage to produce a real tear. You weigh 19.1lbs and are 27 inches long. This placed you in the 85th-95th percentile for height and weight. The doctor encouraged us to have more tummy time because the back of you head is a little flat, but other than that there were no real concerns. We do put you on your stomach, but your new game is to roll over onto your back. He said not to worry that it should self correct once you are sitting up more. Speaking of sitting up you're almost there. You can hold a tripod sitting position as long as you don't get distracted or excited. Either of those enter the picture and you topple over.

We are going to take the "wait and see"approach with your reflux and not increase your dosage as you gain weight. It seems to have gotten better since we introduced solids, and we are hoping you will outgrow it.
You are a vocal little thing. Babbling all the time. Your volume is supper loud, all the time, and 24/7. You will reach and grab and object or hair which seems to be your favorite. I rarely wear my hair down for this very reason.
You love to drop toys to see if someone will pick it up. This is a new game that is getting a little old.
You are fascinated with the dog. She is probably your favorite "toy" at the moment. You are very interested in what she is doing and will follow her throughout the room. Layla is very sweet and patient when you are pulling on her ears, beard, tail, etc...She sits there and looks at us with begging eyes to rescue her from your tight grip. She has no clue what when is in for when you start crawling.
It seems that you hit a growth spurt because your dad and I were questioning as to whether we could afford to feed you. You have tried soy yogurt, lima beans, and blackberries and love them all. You did not like broccoli no matter how much I tried to disguise it.
We have given you small pieces of cheerios, puffs, and bread. You gag and sometimes throw up. I guess you're not ready for solids. At this age your sister was gnawing on a rib and eating table food.
You love to sing songs, read books, clap your hands, play with your feet, and dance with mommy. You will actually laugh and giggle when we dance around the house. I'm sure the neighbors would laugh and giggle if they could see me dancing. I'd do anything to hear that sweet laugh.
You are on the move. Not crawling, but you will roll and pivot to get to where you are going. Definitely not in the same place we put you. I fear you crawling. Something tells me I am going to regret this open floor plan.
You are still a great sleeper. During your growth spurt you were going to bed between 5:30-6:30 and sleeping until 6:30-7:00 the next morning. We give you kisses, give you your lovie, turn on your sound machine, and lay you down. You take your lovie and rub your face and ears and go right to sleep.
We love you sweet baby! We are looking forward to what the next six month will bring.