Olivia started VPK August 20. She moved to a new class with a new teacher. She was very excited about big girl school, and asked if I would take her for her first day. As we were walking in she became very quiet and apprehensive. When I asked her what was wrong she said, "Mommy I'm scared." I said, "Olivia what are you scared of." She said, "I'm scared of the big kids." Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. Tears welled up in my eyes, and as I tried to keep my composure for the sake of my little girl I said, "Sweetheart you ARE the big kid." We walked into class and she was timid and clingy. She didn't want to say goodbye. After finally detaching her from my leg she waved goodbye at the window and made silly faces like always. I made it to the car and completely lost it. Don't get me wrong I am excited for this new chapter in our lives, but I'm saddened that there will come a day when she won't want to snuggle with me, hold my hand as we cross the street, or think that her dad and I hang the moon and the stars. I worry about the world she will grow up in, and only hope that we can teach her to be a good person. For me it doesn't matter what she becomes or where she goes, but I want her to be a good person with a good heart. That's not too much to ask is it?
First day of VPK. |
Grocery shopping is GRRREAT! |
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