Sunday, February 10, 2013

Caroline at 10 months

Caroline, my little toothless wonder. You are 10 months old and you do not have a single tooth in your head. However, this has not kept you from eating chicken or sausage. You will eat pretty much anything we put in your mouth. Although you did gag the other day when I gave you rice.

You have started trying to pull up on objects, but mostly pull things over. You can go from your stomach to a sitting position, and we often find you in your crib sitting up waiting on us to come and get you.

You love to play peek-a-boo and patty cake. You often shake your head no or move your body back and forth when you are done with something. This is usually during meals when you are tired of us making you work for the table food or use a sippy cup. You ARE hard headed.

We are finishing up the last pack of size three diapers, and hopefully will use them before you outgrow them. It's going to be a close call. You are still wearing mostly size 12 month clothing, but I am buying size 18 month for spring.

You love giving daddy high fives, and lean in for kisses from mommy.You refuse to keep on a pair of socks. I know the little old ladies in the store are shaming me for my barefooted baby in cool weather, but you will not keep on a pair of socks. As soon as we put you in the car seat it is game on to see how fast you can get them off. I find tiny baby socks all over my car in the oddest places.

I can't believe I should be planning your first birthday. Maybe if I procrastinate I can keep you a baby a little longer.

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