Thursday, May 30, 2013

Olivia's First Night Away

Olivia was invited to her first spend the night party. Her best little friend was turning five and was having a slumber party complete with pizza making, sundaes, cake, popcorn, and a movie.

I was fully prepared to take her home with me around 10:00 p.m. She was fully prepared to stay like a big girl.

She loved the pajama party favors.
 Out of five little guests she was the only one that stayed. She had a blast, and apparently they giggled until after midnight. She woke up to homemade pancakes and doughnuts. I wish I had spent the night too.

It's Pig Pickin' Time

We had the opportunity to attend the fourth annual pig pickin' with Blue Water Catering Company. Think large community picnic, more bar b que than you can ever imagine, a gigantic bonfire, and the kids run around like crazy. It's a blast. This was Carolines first time to attend, and she approved of all of the bar b que. Especially the roasted pig.
We start them early in the Jernigan house.

Olivia enjoying her favorite food group-Desert!

Sweet friends

Caroline at 11 months

This month has been a doozy! We are glad it is over and done. The first week of March started off with an ear infection then spiraled into RSV. After antibiotics, a quick trip to the ER, a new nebulizer machine complete with albuterol, and a week plus home with mom and dad you were all better. Then the stomach bug hit. You started with it on a Friday, it hit the rest of the house by Monday, and we all finally returned to work and school the following Thursday. Then you had a virus complete with fever, inflamed throat, and congestion. This equaled another week at home. We payed for daycare in March although I think you were only there maybe a week total. We were hoping and praying April would be better, but as you will see in the next post it started off a little rocky.

The good news is you are crawling like a champ, and pulling up to your knees. You are trying very hard to pull up on furniture, but can't quite get your legs underneath you.

Our sick girl spent a lot of time in her jammers.

A little cabin fever is cured with a short wagon ride.

Between administering antibiotics, breathing treatments, and pedialyte we did manage to take your 11 month sticker pictures. You were more interested in the sticker and trying to get off of the bed. My job title should be changed to ring leader or ring master. 

Poor sick baby.

Trip #2 to the doctors office in one week.

We spent several days like this. She would sleep on my chest while receiving a breathing treatment.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

A Chili Chili Cookoff

Rock, paper, scissors... and rock wins! Caroline was sick-imagine that-and I won the ol' fashioned game. The prize was taking Olivia to the chili cook off in St. George Island. It was a beautiful sunny day, but a little cool. We dressed in warm sweater and packed light jackets. We needed scarves and gloves, because the wind coming off of the water was bone chilling. Luckily we had good chili and great friends to keep us warm. She had a blast hanging out with her bestie, Katelyn. I'm pretty sure her favorite part of the day was the funnel cake and fried oreos. She is definitley my daughter!